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WRC World Resources Company GmbH is 100% Carbon Neutral!
WRC The preferred alternative to the disposal

For WRC these residues are not waste but a useful raw material feedstock. With the WRC manufacturing process, contractually specified products are produced from elected residues. The suitability of the materials for the WRC manufacturing process is assessed by a detailed laboratory analyses. This insures that only technically qualified materials will be used in the process for the production of the WRC-Metal Concentrates.

WRC conserves valuable, non-renewable natural resources by using manufacturing residues, which helps reduce the impact of industry on the environment. The management and staff of WRC are fully committed to the protection of the environment and conduct all aspects of its operations to achieve that goal. This commitment guarantees high quality recycling-security that distinguishes WRC-services.
WRC demonstrates this with its membership with the Environmental Alliance Saxony (Umweltallianz Sachsen).

Umweltallianz Sachsen