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WRC World Resources Company GmbH is 100% Carbon Neutral!
WRC WRC’s success story

1996WRC GmbH is established in Leipzig
1999Production starts at new facility in Wurzen
Installation of first reactor with a capacity of 15.000 t/a
2000Opening of a marketing office in Paris, France with development of the
French and Belgian market
2001Awarded specialised recycling company status and achieved ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 creditation
2002Installation of the second production line in Wurzen, increase in capacity to 30.000 t/a
2003Opening of a marketing office in Leamington Spa, England and
development of the British and Irish market.
Opening of a marketing office in Bergamo, Italy.
Achieved ISO 45001 creditation.
Aquisition of additional storage building and extension of the premises.
2008Installation of a third production line and increase in capacity to 45.000 t/a
2009Implementing a plant for utilisation of rainwater
Installation of a photovoltaic roof system
2011Opening of a Marketing Office in Barcelona, Spain
Development of the Spain and Portuguese markets
2013Opening of a Marketing Office in Istanbul, Turkey
Development of the Turkey market